This fan is made from Maple and although quite thin is very sturdy, keeping it in scale with the dolls size.
The fan can be disassembled with small needle nosed pliers, and then re assembled after staining. Use thin brass wire or an eye pin. When reassembling, there needs to be a loop on one side if you are going to have the doll wear this fan.
The wood can be finished with stain, painted or left as is. To stain, use a ''stain markers".
These are manufactured by the ''MINWM'' company and are sold in hardware, Home Depot and Lowes stores in the paint department. Shake the pen well; apply one coat to one side then the other. Repeat if a darker shade is desired. No finish is necessary as it is already in the stain.
'The blades must be sewn together. Use fine invisible thread from the notions department. You will need about 12 inches. The fan should be re assembled at the base before sewing the blades together.
To begin, tie the thread at the top right opening of the filigree design and go down through this first opening, come up through the center opening, go down through the first, up through the center and down through the third. As you go down through the third you also go down through the first hole in the next blade. Come up through the center of blade 2, go down through the first, come up through the center, down through the 3rd and so on. Tie off at the last opening of the last blade.
Tough each knot, beginning and end with a DAB of ''Krazy Glue Gel'' to secure and cut the excess thread away.
Trim the fan with silk ribbon 1/8" wide by threading it trrought thr hole created as you re assemble the blades....there must be a loop formed by the wire. The ribbon goes through the loop is tied off, and then re-tied into a bow for the dolls wrist.