Issue 4/08 - only CD

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Sold out - but only on CD-Rom

Cover Page: Portrait Jumeau from about 1880 - Reproduction by Luise Göbel Aasehaug, Norway
Projects: The Dancer - Portrait Jumeau - The garmens and the Tambourine - Beading Corner : Beaded Bag with a Difference - Bru 14- A Very Special Doll- Part 2: The Chevrot  Leather Body - Hat and Coat Ensemble for Clara (S&H 151) - Knitting Corner - Jumeau-Socks
Patterns: for Clara (S&H 151) Coat and Hat (Body DGK-37) - for Bru 14 - Leather Body (Size about 62 cm) - for Portait Jumeau complete set of Garments (Body LY-43)
Other: Editorial - Lace Draping - Book Review