FC-17, cotton, glacé, old, 100 cm wide, per meter

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The Forgotten Cotton!

Sadly, with the popularity of French fashion dolls, the use of cotton fabrics has been pushed aside totally by silks. Silk fabrics are relatively easy to find and can be reproduced, while fine old cottons cannot be reproduced. Cotton threads are thicker today and are often chemically treated (as for flame resistance) and/or bleached. Here is a cotton fabric that fulfills all requirements for making stunning garments, even for your French fashion dolls! Cotton was precious in the 19th century and was much in use, not only with printed flowers.

Absolutely stunning old glacé (glazed, slightly shiny) and very fine, close weave cotton fabric (probably 1960s-70s) in small designs and soft colors appropriate for dolls of the 19th century. This fabric can be gathered tightly (for a skirt) using the old method of stroked gathers. This fabric is no longer made and only limited stock available.
