Cover Page: Long Face Jumeau - Reproductions by Karin Buttigieg Worksheets & Projects -A tanned Bebe Jumeau E14J dressed as a Matador -The Matador's Wig
-Hat Stands using Porcelain Doll Heads -K*R 117 "Mein Liebling" -K*R 116/A Happy and "Wendy" (BSW 537)
-Outfit for "Happy" and "Wendy" -Seven at One One! Long Face Jumeau - Part 2 - Underwear
Antiques: The Antique Doll -Lydia Richter: History of the German Bisque Head Dolls from 1840 - 1930, Part 6 - Small Porcelain Dolls with Cloth Bodies from Various Companies around 1900 The Antique Dolls -like Sonneberg-Child, Heubach 11 Mirette, like DEP, Portrait Jumeau -Openwork Frock for a Child of Two with Low Neck and Short Sleeves
Patterns -for "Happy" (SB-16) and "Wendy" (HG-27)
-Supplement: Unterwear for Jumeaus Other -Once more Meissen, because it was so much fun...