- Sorry, out of print, but available now on CD-Rom + pattern.
Cover Page: S&H 1329 Oriental - Reproduction by Gertrud Wallis Worksheets & Projects -S &H 1329 Oriental
-Bébé Mothereau B9M -French Jointed Body - Self Perfected! -Antique Piano-Babies - Part 2 - Painting
Technical Information -Figaro's Little Secrets - Small Steps to a perfect Hairdo -Theme with Variations
Patterns -for S&H 1329 Outfit Antiques:
The Antique Doll -Lydia Richter: History of the German Bisque Head Dolls from 1840 - 1930, Part 5 - Early, small Porcelain Dolls with Cloth Bodies The Antique Dolls
-Antique Shoulder head dolls -S&H 1329 - AM 353 Oriental Baby - S&H 1329 - Tete Jumeau - K*R 101 - Antique Doll-, Children- and Baby Shoes Other -To the Cradle of the "White Gold" -Hamburg Doll Museum Closes Down
-Profile: Marlies Kutt-Schüler (Germany)