- Cover page: Tete Jumeau 13. Reproduction by Josef Sonnberger.
- Projekts: Series: Knitting Corner - The Heubach Sisters (Underpants, Camisole, Half Slip, Pinafore with Red Skirt, with Blue Skirt, Blouse, Apron, Scarf) - Mademoiselle Jumeau (The Doll, Body, Wig, Underpants, The Combination, Chemise, Corset, Petticoat, Stockings, Coatdress, Shoes, Hat, Parasol) - Max and Moritz in a Box (The Box, Covering the Box, Stove, Chimney, Smoke Exhaust) - Brother Ärgerlich - (Painting Guide, Knickers, Vest, Shirt, Trousers, The Squeezebox) - A new Look at Oils- Beaded Bag
- Patterns: - for Mademoiselle Jumeau, complete set of garments (Body FGK-40) - for Bruder Ärgerlich, complete set of garments (Body SFBJ-9S/SFBJ-21 cm) Knitting Patterns: for Heubach Sisters
- Others: Readers Forum, Gildebrief Newsletter, Museum for Explorers