- Cover page: Madame Victorine, Reproduction by Karin Buttigieg
- Projects: Madame Sidonie: A Paravent with Silk Embroidery - Madame Victorine - The Bell of the Ball: Painting instructions Huret, important Hints and Materials, the Jupon, hand stitches, Chemisette - The Ball Gown: Skirt, Bodice, Bertha, Instructions of Berthas, Assembly, Shoes, Coiffure, Mantilla - Crochet Corner - Elegant Crochet Dress
- Patterns: for Mme. Sidonie's Négligé (Body FFP 9,5") - for Mme. Victorine compl. Set of Garments (Body FFP 9,5")
- Others: Reader's Forum - Dolls Rule - 10th Australien DAG supported Convention, Melbourne